1-1 |
전선 |
27791 |
인간·생명·윤리 |
Human · Life · Ethics |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28650 |
신입생세미나 |
Seminar for Freshmen |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28651 |
한국사의재조명1 |
Reviews of Korean History 1 |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28652 |
공공안전학개론 |
Introduction to Public Safety |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
30151 |
미래설계상담1 |
Counseling for Future Planning 1 |
0-0-0 |
1-2 |
전선 |
26177 |
현대사회와 심리 |
Contemporary Society & Psychology |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
27499 |
한국사의재조명2 |
Reviews of Korean History 2 |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28755 |
서양고전과현대 |
Western Classics and Modernity |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28756 |
시민사회와법의원리 |
Civil Society and Principle of Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
30152 |
미래설계상담2 |
Counseling for Future Planning 2 |
0-0-0 |
2-1 |
전선 |
25257 |
문학텍스트 읽기 |
Reading in Literary Texts |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
26191 |
국가조직론 |
Development of Modern Thought |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28757 |
서양근대지성사 |
Theories of State Organization |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28769 |
형법총론 |
General Principles of Criminal Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29414 |
정치학개론 |
Introduction to Political Science |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29415 |
조직과학개론 |
Introduction to Organizational Science |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29416 |
민법총론 |
Principles of Civil Law |
3-3-0 |
2-2 |
전선 |
27865 |
연구방법입문 |
Introduction to Research Methods |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28749 |
문학과사회 |
Literature and Society |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28753 |
법의정신 |
Philosophy of Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29417 |
조직과학의이론과쟁점 |
Theories and Issues of Organizational Science |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29418 |
기본권의기초인론 |
Basic Theory of Fundamental Human Rights |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29419 |
민법각론 |
Special Parts of Civil Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29420 |
형법각론 |
Special Parts of Criminal Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
30153 |
미래설계상담3 |
Counseling for Future Planning 3 |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
50030 |
논증분석 |
Argument Analysis |
3-3-0 |
3-1 |
전선 |
28186 |
상담심리학 |
Counseling Psychology |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28773 |
교정학개론 |
Introduction to Penology |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29421 |
문화과학의이해 |
Understanding of Cultural Science |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29422 |
현대사회이론 |
Theory of Modern Society |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29423 |
행정법총론 |
Principles of Administrative Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29424 |
경찰학개론 |
Introduction to Police Science |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
30154 |
미래설계상담4 |
Counseling for Future Planning 4 |
0-0-0 |
전선 |
50033 |
반박과 논쟁 |
Refutation and Argumentation |
3-3-0 |
3-2 |
전선 |
26201 |
추리와 문제해결 |
Reasoning and Problem Solving |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28758 |
언어와문제해결 |
Language and Problem Solving |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28776 |
형사소송법 |
Criminal Procedure Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29425 |
사회과학방법론 |
Social Science Methodology |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29426 |
행정법각론 |
Special Parts of Administrative Law |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29427 |
범죄학개론 |
Introduction to Criminology |
3-3-0 |
4공통 |
전필 |
26204 |
논문연구 |
Thesis |
3-3-0 |
4-1 |
전선 |
28762 |
실용적글쓰기 |
Practical Writings |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28779 |
청소년비행론 |
Juvenile Delinquency |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28784 |
형사사례연습 |
Exercises of Criminal Cases |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29428 |
세계의인권과사상 |
History of Human Rights and Thought |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29429 |
국제정치의이해 |
Understanding of International Politics |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29430 |
공공안전학각론 |
Partricular Principles of Public Safety |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29431 |
소송과강제집행 |
Procedure and Execution |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
30155 |
미래설계상담5 |
Counseling for Future Planning 5 |
3-3-0 |
4-2 |
전선 |
28765 |
문학과정신분석 |
Literature and Psychoanalysis |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28782 |
경찰행정작용론 |
Police Administration Action |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
28788 |
형사정책 |
Criminal Policy |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29432 |
국가론과정책철학 |
Theory of the State and Policy Philosophy |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29433 |
정치경제학 |
Political Economy |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
29434 |
과학수사의이해 |
Understanding of Forensic Science |
3-3-0 |
전선 |
30156 |
미래설계상담6 |
Counseling for Future Planning 6 |
0-0-0 |